动画名称:草莓甜心:大城市历险记 英文版第一季
英文名称:Strawberry Shortcake:Berry in the Big City
动画语言:英语发音 英文字幕
动画类型:冒险 | 益智
本资源是冒险益智英语动画片《Strawberry Shortcake:Berry in the Big City》第一季的视频下载,动画共20集,每集播放时长约9分钟左右,mp4高清1080p分辨率,英语发音、英文字幕,资源总大小2.56G,百度云网盘下载,适合4-7岁的儿童观看。
有趣的冒险永远不会在大苹果城结束。她在城里到处交朋友,她的笑容如此灿烂,当她在身边时,一切都变得有趣多了。她是最好的面包师,也是橙花、蓝莓松饼、青柠雪纺和柠檬美利奴的好朋友。欢迎来到大城市STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE BERRY的新世界。
S01E01. Berry in the Big City: Part One / Berry in the Big City: Part Two
S01E02. Oven Trouble / Legend of the Spoon
S01E03. No Ordinary Berry / Mean Berries
S01E04. The Ghosts of Cupcakes Past / Fright-Fall
S01E05. Its My Purr-ty / The Great Gooseberry Chase
S01E06. Berry Bounty Banquet: Part One / Berry Bounty Banquet: Part Two
S01E07. Meet Huckleberry Pie / Waiting for Genoise
S01E08. Berry Merry Melody / Lemons Name in Lights
S01E09. New Years Wish / Will You Be My Lemontine!
S01E10. A Berryworks Mystery! / Be Your Berry Best
S01E11. The Cakenator / Blueberry Brainfreeze
S01E12. Who Stole the Pies? / Go for the Goldenberry
S01E13. And the Smoothie Goes To… / Mint-eresting
S01E14. Keylime Time / Everyberry Needs Someberry Sometimes
S01E15. Gym Berries / Hucks New Job
S01E16. Dreamy Dessert / Spring Cleaning
S01E17. Lucky Berry / Johnnycake Cobblers Sensational Sweetening Spritz
S01E18. Strawberry Surprise / Bread Puddings New BFF
S01E19. Ice Cream Trouble / Beat the Heat
S01E20. Bake Off: Part One / Bake Off: Part Two
学习论 » [英语动画]《草莓甜心:大城市历险记》[英文字幕][共20集第一季][2.56GB][百度网盘]